Saturday, March 20, 2010

Registry Information

First of all, THANK YOU!! We are so unbelievably blessed to have people like you in our lives. Second, we have created several online "wish lists" and registries. You can find the links on the right side of this blog.

If you find these items cheaper somewhere else, please don't feel obligated to use these specific companies.

The Amazon wish list has a "reserve" setting that you can click on to make sure other people browsing know that you've called dibs. Items purchased from the "wishlist" at will be removed from the list. If you like what you see on any of these lists and purchase them from a different place, please email or call Andy and he'll take it off the list ( (509) 990-0440 ).

Although the ultrasound tech definitively declared baby a girl, we aren't rushing out to register for all girly things (though I must say girls are SO much more fun to shop for! ). Our Lamaze instructor said as recently as last month she had a couple who were told they were having a little boy and had a little girl instead (and that's with an ultrasound 2 weeks before their baby was due!) So, we would appreciate gender-neutral clothes and such, just in case. However, if you can't resist, and Baby turns out to be a boy, I know he won't be able to tell the onsie is pink :o)

One more thing: please don't feel limited by what we've selected. If there's something you, your sister, your friend etc just couldn't live without don't hesitate! We're new at this parenting thing, so I'm sure we forgot something :o) We didn't register for any clothes, books or photo albums because we know there is LOADS of cute stuff out there. Whatever moves you we will absolutely love! (For those of you who don't already know, I'm ADDICTED to photographs, so the more I can do with them the better!)

With that said, please make sure to read the next 2 posts as there are already certain items that have been "dibbed" and others we know we don't want for sure.

Thanks again!!

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